This information is generalised. The exact details would be different for each individual.
14 days pre-op:
If safe to do so, stop regular aspirin to minimise the risk of bleeding. Avoid using ibuprofen or other non steroidal anti inflammatory agents.
Day of operation:
Travel to the hospital, settle into your room. See your consultant, ask your final questions, and sign the consent form. Go into the operating theatre. If having a local anaesthetic the initial 10 seconds of the injection sting. If general anaesthetic or sedation, a vein in the back of the hand has a needle inserted, after which there should be no pain at all.
One or both eyes may be bandaged. Start ice packs to reduce the swelling and bruising. Apply the ice packs for 10 minutes in every hour. Take it easy on the sofa, glass of wine in one hand, remote in the other. Sleep with your head raised on 2 pillows if possible. Mild painkillers may be required. The wounds may ooze slightly. Don't look in the mirror.
Day 3 post-op:
Swelling and bruising is now usually at its maximum. Mild painkillers may be required. Continue ice packs if soothing. Restart aspirin if previously stopped. Really avoid the mirror.
Day 6 post-op:
See your consultant to remove the sutures, the swelling should be subsiding and the bruising starting to fade. Cautious look in the mirror.
Day 14 post-op:
Bruising usually faded, some faded bruises may remain. Use the mirror to apply cover up makeup. Usually safe to go out and start mild exercise.
Day 21 post-op:
Usually safe to plan to return to a client facing work environment. Cover up makeup no longer needed, occasionally still some swelling. Mirror more fun than before to track the changes.
6 weeks post-op:
All should be well. See your consultant for review, you should look good enough for the post-operative photos.